CORD’s membership consists of individuals and organisations from all over the world; from countries including India, Brazil, South Africa, Canada, the UK and Bangladesh. Membership is flexible and thus growing and changing frequently. Some of the core members within the collaboration include:
Claire Benit-Gbaffou, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Ranjita Mohanty, Delhi, India
Steven Robins, South Africa
Vera Coelho, CEBRAP, Brazil
Laurence Piper, UWC, South Africa
Laura Waisbich, CEBRAP, Brazil
Shylashri Shankar, CPR, Delhi
Alison Mathie, Coady, Canada
Bettina von Lieres, UTSC, Canada
Leslie Chan, UTSC, Canada
Becky Hillyer, Cape Town, South Africa
Fiona Anciano, UWC, South Africa
Simeen Mahmud, BRAC University, Bangladesh
Joanna Wheeler, UWC, South Africa
Alex Shankland, IDS, UK