CORD’s membership consists of individuals and organisations from all over the world; from countries including India, Brazil, South Africa, Canada, the UK and Bangladesh. Membership is flexible and thus growing and changing frequently. Some of the core members within the collaboration include:
- Claire Benit-Gbaffou, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
- Ranjita Mohanty, Delhi, India
- Steven Robins, South Africa
- Vera Coelho, CEBRAP, Brazil
- Laurence Piper, UWC, South Africa
- Laura Waisbich, CEBRAP, Brazil
- Shylashri Shankar, CPR, Delhi
- Alison Mathie, Coady, Canada
- Bettina von Lieres, UTSC, Canada
- Leslie Chan, UTSC, Canada
- Becky Hillyer, Cape Town, South Africa
- Fiona Anciano, UWC, South Africa
- Simeen Mahmud, BRAC University, Bangladesh
- Joanna Wheeler, UWC, South Africa
- Alex Shankland, IDS, UK