Agenda for the Week

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  • #661

    The agenda for the week is tentatively as follows:

    Day 1: Individual member updates (current research projects, etc.) and Working-group report-backs. Facilitated by Becky

    Day 2: Update about the current state of the IDRC grant and plans for next year’s workshop
    Facilitated by Shylashri

    Day 3: Discussion of ideas for new grants and projects; including Making All Voices Count (Facilitated by Vera and Laura); as well as the Bellagio grant (Facilitated by Laurence and Joanna)

    Day 4: Discussion of website content and maintenance (Facilitated by Leslie and Becky)

    Day 5: Planning CORD’s Next Steps (Co-facilitated by Ranjita, Simeen and Bettina)

    If there are any changes or additions you would like to see to the agenda, please reply to this post, below.

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