About Us

  • Create an open access online forum, OpenPraxis Forum, which features the work of early career researchers (from papers, to oral histories, to photography, to paintings, etc.), their methodologies (if they wish), and provide a space for learning and collaboration
  • While understanding knowledge and research as sets of actions and practices, we would like to highlight how open praxis can better your learning process.**
  • Focus on content related to development and social justice. Roll out different themes and questions every 3-4 months to get a variety of voices and submissions.
  • Make the work accessible to ALL undergraduate level students – use this as a platform to celebrate early career researchers knowledge products AND processes
  • Create an online infrastructure which itself practices being open – an infrastructure which is accessible, creates a safe space, uses something other than metaphysical categorizations to organize content, and is aesthetically pleasing.
  • Challenge the hierarchical power/governance structures in post secondary institutions – putting education and learning before business/rankings/marketing
  • Value co-creation and content created by voices that are inferiorized – expand the conventional identity of a researcher**
  • Emphasize that knowledge creation and research are relational processes which cause harm/ benefit to yourself and or others. Use the forum to highlight failures and successes of research and how we can be better.**
  • With beginnings in the heart of a highly ranked research institution (gets prestige from metrics and impact factors), hopefully this forum (which is built on an open ethos) will emphasize the importance of open access, representation, collaboration, critical reflection, and safety in creating impactful and valuable research in an efficient way**