ELPUB 2018 Partnership Prospectus
Connecting the Knowledge Commons:
From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure
Interested in Becoming a Partner of ELPUB 2018 in Toronto?
You can download our Partnership Prospectus as a PDF here, or continue to read on for more information.
About the International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB)
For over two decades, the International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB) has featured research and innovations in digital publishing, with a focus on transforming the nature of scholarly communication. The 2018 conference will be held in the multicultural City of Toronto, Canada, bringing together 200 innovators from across Canada, Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, and the United States.
Conference Goal and Objectives
The theme for 2018 is Connecting the Knowledge Commons: From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure. The question of sustainability in the open access movement has been widely debated, yet satisfactory answers have yet to be generated. It is a compelling time to partner with us.
Market-driven versions of open access are growing in prevalence, as well as a growing dependence on commercial publishers for the infrastructures needed to openly and democratically create and communicate knowledge.
We are looking to partner with not-for-profit organizations, social impact initiatives, scholar-driven projects, funders, and/or community-minded individuals to realize the goal of co-designing and implementing a sustainable community-driven research communication infrastructure.
Benefits of Partnership
to different communities and networks to build new relationships.
from diverse stakeholders to improve tools and services.
your organization’s practices, services and products to help build greater capacity.
in collective culture change in scholarly communication.
your mission with an organization committed to creating an inclusive community of participation.
Key Takeaways - Participants and Partners will:
- Connect with stakeholders to identify shared values and opportunities for collective action.
- Identify barriers and opportunities for individuals and organizations to create knowledge and access to research.
- Collaborate on strategies to challenge existing barriers to participation.
- Create new networks to share knowledge, practices, and resources.
- Learn about innovative technologies, initiatives, and explorations in research and data.
- Challenge established norms in scholarly communication and research.
- Broaden perspectives on compensation for research efforts, including the fostering of mutual understanding around innovative technologies and possible governance, financial, service, and publishing models.
- Determine areas of mutual support and capacity-building for communication infrastructure in diverse settings.

Partnership Opportunities
Contribution: $10,000 CAD
What it will cover: Travel Scholarship for Scholars from the Global South (33%) and Conference costs such as webcast, Welcome Reception, Dinner, catering, facilities fees, etc. (67%)
Benefits and Recognition:
- Highest level logo placement, organization bio and website link on conference website, conference program, conference proceedings, and post-conference newsletter
- Opportunity to have a 200-word communication included in pre-conference newsletter to all attendees
- Guest blog post on conference website
- 4 complimentary conference registrations
- 10-minute speaking opportunity during one of the lunch breaks
- Opportunity to introduce a session of choice
- Logo recognition in any conference recordings and live webcasts
- Prime table space provided for partner collateral during designated breaks
- Opportunity to interact with international Travel Scholarship recipients at the Partner Reception
- Recognition of partnership at one of the key events: Funders’ Roundtable, Welcome Reception, or Conference Dinner
- Recognition in conference opening and closing remarks, and slideshow
- Opportunity to include a promotional item in conference attendee package
Contribution: $5,000 CAD
What it will cover: Travel Scholarship for Scholars from the Global South (50%) and Conference costs such as catering, facilities fees, etc. (50%)
Benefits and Recognition:
- Secondary level logo placement on conference website, conference program, conference proceedings, and post- conference newsletter
- Opportunity to have a 100-word communication included in pre- conference newsletter to all attendees
- Guest blog post on conference website
- 3 complimentary conference registrations
- Table space provided for partner collateral during designated breaks
- Opportunity to interact with international Travel Scholarship recipients at the Partner Reception
- Recognition in conference opening and closing remarks
- Opportunity to include a promotional item in conference attendee package
Contribution: $3,000 CAD
What it will cover: Travel Scholarship for Scholars from the Global South (100%)
Benefits and Recognition:
- Tertiary level logo placement on conference website, conference program, conference proceedings, and post- conference newsletter
- Opportunity to have a 50-word communication included in pre- conference newsletter to all attendees
- 2 complimentary conference registrations
- Table space provided for partner collateral during designated breaks
- Opportunity to interact with international Travel Scholarship recipients at the Partner Reception
- Recognition in conference opening and closing remarks
- Opportunity to include a promotional item in conference attendee package
Contribution: $1,000 CAD
What it will cover: Travel Scholarship for Scholars from the Global South (100%)
Benefits and Recognition:
- Name recognition on conference website, conference program, conference proceedings, and post-conference newsletter
- 1 complimentary conference registration
- Poster space provided for partner during designated breaks
- Opportunity to interact with international Travel Scholarship recipients at the Partner Reception
- Recognition in conference opening and closing remarks
Your impact - what your contribution will support
In addition to supporting the overall objectives and theme of this year’s conference, your contributions will directly support:
Travel scholarships for authors and students
Your contribution will support authors and students from developing countries to attend the 2018 ELPUB Conference to present their research, initiatives and ideas. Travel scholarships will be applied towards round-trip travel, lodging and conference registration for visiting authors. Your contribution will support our conference objective of fostering an inclusive and accessible environment for participation.
Conference event functions
Contributions will also be used towards webcasting, facility fees, food and beverages, social events, and delegate packages. This year’s conference will take place in the multicultural City of Toronto, Canada, and the planned social events will offer an opportunity for attendees to network with colleagues and share information in an informal setting.
Greater participation through reduced registration fees
Partnership revenue significantly reduces the overall cost of administering the conference, allowing us to offer affordable registration rates and enable more attendees, such as students and members of the wider community, to participate. Your Partnership support helps to bring the widest possible range of regional participants to the ELPUB Conference, especially those from developing countries.
Audience and Format
This year’s attendance is expected to be 180-200 attendees, with representation from across North and South America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. Over the years, ELPUB has featured research results and attracted participation from a diverse community of:
- Librarians
- Technology developers
- Publishers
- Non-profit organizations
- Educators
- Entrepreneurs
- Policymakers
- Funding bodies
- Researchers
- Students
The Conference is also encouraging participation from students and early-stage researchers, presenters from the global south, and non-mainstream knowledge-making organizations.
The Conference will feature a multi-track presentation of refereed papers as well as invited keynotes, special sessions, demonstrations, and poster presentations. All Conference papers will be published in indexed full open access proceedings, and will also be archived at the ELPUB Digital Library: (https://elpub.architexturez.net/).
Are you interested in any of the above partnership opportunities, or do you have other ideas for how we can collaborate? Please feel free to contact us to discuss partnership opportunities or design a customized package for your organization.
Conference Co-Chairs
Leslie Chan, University of Toronto Scarborough, chan@utsc.utoronto.ca
Pierre Mounier, Open Edition / OPERAS, pierre.mounier@openedition.org
Conference Manager
Dora Chan, elpub2018@utsc.utoronto.ca