ELPUB 2018 Call for Papers & Participation
Connecting the Knowledge Commons:
From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure
Submissions are now closed. Thank you for your interest!
ELPUB 2018 marks the 22nd edition of the International Conference in ELectronic PUBlishing and the 10th anniversary of the meeting being held in Toronto. ELPUB has featured research results in various aspects of digital publishing for over two decades, involving a diverse international community of librarians, developers, publishers, entrepreneurs, administrators and researchers across the disciplines in the sciences and the humanities. It is unique as a platform for both researchers, professionals and the broader community. The Conference is held annually and contains a multi-track presentation of refereed papers as well as invited keynotes, special sessions, demonstrations, and poster presentations. The entire collection of conference papers since its inception is available in the ELPUB Digital Library.
The theme of ELPUB 2018 is Connecting the Knowledge Commons: From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure. The question of sustainability in the open access movement has been widely debated, yet satisfactory answers have yet to be generated.
How do we move from an approach entirely based on temporary projects to an approach based on community-based sustainable infrastructure?
What kinds of social and technical infrastructures could support the Knowledge Commons?¹
What values and services are being delivered, by which stakeholders, and for whom?
What governance and financial models are possible?
Given the global nature of scholarly communication, how do we ensure that the designs of the Commons are inclusive of voices from the global South?²
This year’s conference will be an opportunity for members of the global community to connect and collaborate on the design and implementation of a community-based research communication infrastructure. In addition to the technical issues related to interoperability of systems, research workflow, content preservation, and other services, we will also focus on how to build connections and trust among the diverse stakeholders of the Knowledge Commons.
We invite contributions from members of the community whose research and experiments are focused on long-term sustainability within the Knowledge Commons, and transforming the nature of scholarly communications.
** UPDATE: Submissions are now closed – thank you for your interest! Authors are being notified of their acceptance to the conference. Full papers are due by March 29, 2018.
Topics include, but are not restricted to:

Tools and Technology Infrastructure
- Preservation of digital research outputs
- Collaboration tools and platforms
- New digital tools for web publication
- Multilingual and accessible infrastructure
- Support and maintenance in a rapidly evolving technology field

Social and Political Infrastructure
- Governance of standards setting in research communication
- Understanding user needs, culture and service models
- Training and user support
- Building inclusive infrastructure
- Non-traditional forms of knowledge making
- Politics of attribution and circulation of knowledges

Challenges and Opportunities for Open Access in the Global South
- Equitable North South collaboration
- Policy frameworks
- Infrastructure and capacity constraints
- Economics of global knowledge production

Community-based Research and Citizen Science
- Public policy and participation
- Science beyond academia
- Incentives and recognition

Funding and Sustainability
- Governance of shared e-Infrastructure
- Innovative business models
- Funders and institutional policies
- Policy alignment
- Resource sharing
Appel à Contributions
Venez partager vos recherches, initiatives et idées à la conférence #elpub2018 !
ELPUB 2018 se déroulera cette année à Toronto au Canada. Nous fêterons le 22e anniversaire de la conférence, dix ans après la dernière édition à Toronto.
Le thème de cette année est : Connecter les Communs de la Connaissance : des projets aux infrastructures durables. La question du développement durable de l’accès ouvert fait l’objet de nombreux débats mais peu de réponses satisfaisantes y ont été apportées jusqu’ici.
Le Comité de Programme invite les membres de la communauté dont les recherches et expérimentations portent sur le développement durable des Communs de la Connaissance et sur la transformation de la communication scientifique à soumettre leurs propositions.
Pour en savoir plus : http://epress.utsc.
Le site sera ouvert à propositions le 10 novembre 2017 !
ELPUB2018-Conectando los Bienes Comunes del Conocimiento: De Proyectos a Infraestructuras Sostenibles
¡Comparta su investigación, iniciativas e ideas en # elpub2018 del 22 al 24 de junio de 2018 en Toronto, Canadá!
ELPUB 2018 marca la 22ª edición de la Conferencia Internacional en Publicación Electrónica, y el décimo aniversario de la última vez que la Conferencia se celebró en Toronto.
El tema de este año es Conectando los Bienes Comunes del Conocimiento: De Proyectos a Infraestructuras Sostenibles. La cuestión de la sostenibilidad en el movimiento de acceso abierto ha sido ampliamente debatida, pero aún resta generar respuestas satisfactorias y de largo plazo.
El comité del programa de la conferencia invita contribuciones de los miembros de la comunidad cuyas investigaciones y experimentación se centren en modelos desde la comunidad para la sostenibilidad de las infraestructuras abiertas, en las responsabilidades y gobernanza del conocimiento como un bien común, y en la transformación de la naturaleza de las comunicaciones académicas.
Obtenga más información sobre el alcance de la conferencia en:
¡La sección del sitio web para presentación abre el 10 de noviembre de 2017!
¹ Hess, Charlotte; Ostrom, Elinor (2007). Understanding Knowledge as a Commons – From Theory to Practice. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. pp. 12–13
² https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_South