ELPUB 2018 Call for Papers & Participation
Connecting the Knowledge Commons:
From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure
Submissions are now closed. Thank you for your interest!
We invite submissions in the form of an extended abstract (see formats below). All submissions will be refereed. Authors whose abstracts have passed the first round of peer review will be invited to submit full papers.
For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the conference to present the paper. The same requirement applies for inclusion in the proceedings. Moreover, all those with accepted workshop or demonstration proposals must commit to supporting the event (speakers, lecturers, panel members, etc.) by physically attending and coordinating their activity.
This year, papers accepted will be published in indexed full open access proceedings by OpenEdition Press on HAL/Episciences platform and OpenEdition Books platform. Best papers will be selected to be published in a freemium open access edited volume on OpenEdition Books platform, and available in print format through print on demand. All accepted papers and posters will be archived at the ELPUB Digital Library. All contents published in the ELPUB proceedings are open access via the conference archive under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.
Papers submitted to this conference must not have been accepted or be under review by another conference. All full papers, short papers and posters should be written in English as a lingua franca (ELF)¹, though other languages would also be considered, provided that an ELF translation of the abstract is also made available. All proposed presentations should be submitted via EasyChair.
** UPDATE: Submissions are now closed – thank you for your interest! Authors are being notified of their acceptance to the conference. Full papers are due by March 29, 2018.
Travel Scholarships
We are in the process of raising funds and will have limited number of Travel Scholarships available for presenters from the Global South. You can learn more about how to apply here.
Contributions are invited for the following categories:
Papers Specially Prepared for ELPUB 2018
- Full papers (manuscript up to 10 pages)
- Short papers (manuscript up to 6 pages)
- Practitioner and Developer papers (manuscript of any length for presentation only)
Extended abstracts must be between 1,000 – 1,500 words and contain:
- Title of the paper
- Author(s) name and affiliation
- Type of paper you plan to submit (e.g. Full paper, short paper, practictioner’s paper)
- Key objectives of the study and significance
- Design and Methodology
- An overview of state of the art in the field
- Outcomes thus far or expected outcomes
- A bibliography
- Keywords (maximum five)
Accepted proposals should ensure that final papers are formatted according to our recommended template. Please download the template by clicking on one of the bottoms on the left.

Demonstrations and Posters
Demonstrations and posters provide an opportunity to share research in an open forum. Poster sessions can be particularly useful for getting input and feedback at intermediate stages of a research project.
- Posters (abstract min. of 500 words submission and then with the option to publish a manuscript between 2 – 4 pages if the authors choose)
- Demonstrations of new technologies, tools or other innovations in digital publishing (abstract min. of 500)

Workshops and Tutorials
Workshops and Tutorials will be an opportunity for researchers or practitioners wishing to offer instruction on a particular topic, and to encourage active discussion and knowledge sharing amongst participants. Early stage researchers, practitioners and students are invited to submit their ideas and work in an open discussion with experts in the community in the form of a workshop.
- Pre-Conference Workshops (abstract min. of 500 words)
- Early Stage Research and Practise (abstract of 500 words)

Research Funders' Roundtable
This Roundtable discussion will provide an opportunity for various funding and grant agencies to come together to share ideas for sustainability, policy alignment, and discuss the possibilities for strategic collaboration. If you are a funder interested in participating in the roundtable, please contact either Leslie Chan (chan@utsc.utoronto.ca), or Pierre Mounier (pierre.mounier@openedition.org).