ELPUB 2018 Presenter Information
Connecting the Knowledge Commons:
From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure
Sched Conference Schedule
The full conference schedule is available for viewing here: https://elpub2018.sched.com/
Please check the Sched for when your session has been scheduled, which room it is in, and who is your session chair.
Once you login, you can update your speaker profile (add photo and bio) by going to your session, clicking on “Speaker Tools” and then click “Edit Profile.”
- More information about how to update your profile is available here: https://sched.com/support/guide/edit-profile/
Upload any materials that you think will be useful for attendees in advance to Sched by going to your session, clicking on “Speaker Tools” and then click “Add Presentation.”
- More information about how to upload presentations or files to your session is available here: https://sched.com/support/guide/upload-presentations-and-files/
Social Media
- For ELPUB news and updates, follow us on Twitter at @ELPUB_Conf or Facebook.
- Use the official conference hashtag #ELPUB2018 on Twitter to join the conversation and stay connected!
Wifi Access
Free wifi access at the Faculty of Information will be available for ELPUB Attendees.
SSID Network: UofT
Username: ELPUB2018
Password: openaccess
Wifi access is also available through the eduroam for those with access.
Collaborative Note-Taking
We will be setting up collaborative note-taking shared google docs for each session, linked to each session from our Sched programme, available at https://elpub2018.sched.com. This is meant to be a way to share session learnings with others who may not have been able to attend that session or the conference. Thank you to the Creative Commons Summit for this idea!
Sample session note document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kOonXhnheosjVzEi5Z7cu69viWftfc3W0Lvr1A2TZE0/edit?usp=sharing
At the beginning of the session, the moderator will ask if any volunteers would be able to take notes for the session. Session documents will be available at https://elpub2018.sched.com under each session’s description.
If anyone is interested in doing any further reflections and/or blog posts about the conference, this is most welcome as well!
Concurrent Sessions
- Each session is 90 minutes long and features 3-4 accepted papers. You (and your co-authors if more than one author will be presenting) will have maximum 15 minutes for your presentation. It is important that you stay within the time allotted to your presentation to give everyone a fair opportunity to speak.
- The presentations will be followed by a Q&A and discussion period of approximately 20-30 minutes, moderated by the Session Chair.
- Please arrive at least 10-15 minutes before your session begins so that we can ensure your presentation is loaded properly and start on time.
- All room information and schedule is available in Sched: https://elpub2018.sched.com/
Technology & room set-up
- Please arrive at least 10-15 minutes before your session begins so that we can ensure your presentation is loaded properly and start on time.
- Meeting rooms at the Inforum Library are outfitted with PC computers loaded with Windows and Microsoft Office software – please ensure that your files are compatible with these programs. These computers are pre-set with connections to the room’s internal AV system. You can save your presentation on a USB key and load it on the computer when you arrive.
- Alternately if you would prefer to use your own laptop, there are VGA and HDMI cables available. Please ensure that you bring your own adapter if you need it.
- Ensure you always have a back-up of your presentation files. We recommend you save your files on a USB key, as well as email them to yourself or make use of a cloud storage site for online retrieval. It is especially helpful to save a copy of any video file(s) on a USB key to ensure that it can be played without reliance on the internet, in case of a poor connection.
Poster Presentations
- Poster set-up time: Poster presenters can come set up their posters on Friday, June 22nd any time from 9am – 4pm. Anyone who cannot come on Friday, June 22nd can set up their poster on the morning of June 23rd during registration (8am – 9am).
- Session times: Poster sessions will take place on Saturday, June 23rd during the Coffee breaks and Lunch break on the 4th Floor, Inforum Library.
- Size and setup: Each poster board is 50 inches wide and 68 inches tall. We will provide push pins/tacks for you to affix your poster to the board.
- Each poster will be given a free standing poster board panel and presenters will be standing next to the posters to answer questions. Sometimes it is helpful to have a set of messages you could easily repeat, as you will likely be asked similar questions repeatedly. Sometimes presenters wait for a small gathering to form around the poster and they make the remarks to the small group. The space for the poster presentations is quite open for people to wander around, so we hope to have lots of good interactions.
- If you are looking for some ideas and tips for how to make an engaging poster presentation, this article has some great information.

- Workshops are either 90 or 120 minutes in length. The workshop classrooms will be arranged with desks in groupings of 6-8 people.
- Meeting rooms at the Inforum Library are outfitted with PC computers loaded with Windows and Microsoft Office software – please ensure that your files are compatible with these programs. These computers are pre-set with connections to the room’s internal AV system. You can save your presentation on a USB key and load it on the computer when you arrive.
- Alternately if you would prefer to use your own laptop, there are VGA and HDMI cables available. Please ensure that you bring your own adapter if you need it.
Make the most out of the conference!
We encourage you to read Marta Teperek’s blog post, “How to make the most out of a conference?” In it, she provides a checklist and guide for what you can do before, during and after a conference to make the most of the experience. There are some great suggestions in here that can apply to ELPUB!