#ELPUB2018 Conference Highlights E-Newsletter
It’s hard to believe it’s been over a month since we gathered in Toronto for ELPUB 2018. Even if you weren’t able to join us in person, we are pleased to share some highlights from the conference in this newsletter – please check it out below! Be sure to also check out the many tweets, articles and links to resources that participants have shared online through the hashtag #ELPUB2018.
We received many positive comments and constructive feedback about the conference, and look forward to continuing the conversations with you in the coming months. We heard from many people that they left the conference feeling invigorated and hopeful for the future, but there is still much work to be done. Thank you to everyone who participated in the conversations in person and online.
We would also like to express our gratitude to all our Conference Partners who supported ELPUB this year as well as our travel scholarship fund: PLOS, OpenEdition, SPARC, FACETS Journal, UTSC’s Arts Culture and Media Department and Centre for Critical Development Studies, U of T Libraries, ACRL, Arcadia Fund, CARL, CRKN, Creative Commons, eLife, KULA Journal and Ubiquity Press – thank you for making it possible to include more voices in the conversation. A special thank you as well to our colleagues at the University of Toronto Faculty of Information’s Inforum Library for being such generous and welcoming hosts, and our amazing volunteer team for all their help throughout.
Stay tuned for more information about ELPUB 2019, taking place in France with host OpenEdition next year!
Best wishes for the rest of the summer,
The ELPUB Team
ELPUB Conference Highlights
Conference Proceedings
This year’s ELPUB Conference proceedings were published by OpenEdition Press and are now available for reading and download at https://elpub.episciences.org/
We are pleased to share some photos from the ELPUB weekend – Check out our photo album here!
Highlights Video
Relive the ELPUB weekend and hear selections from interviews with our ELPUB Travel Scholarship recipients about some of their thoughts about the conference.
Session Notes
Thank you to all our volunteers who live-tweeted and took notes during the sessions. We’d like to give a shoutout to Creative Commons for this great idea. Conference session notes are linked from the session descriptions in Sched: http://elpub2018.sched.com/
#Viznotes by Giulia Forsythe
Be sure to also check out the amazing visual notes taken by Giulia Forsythe for our keynote presentations:
Aled Edwards, Open Science and the Public Good.
Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Open Sustainable Research Communities and the Public Good.